Robust industrial handhelds
Generally, we are happy to leave the choice of mobile device to you. You are therefore completely independent in the choice of your preferred device type. We only check whether adaptations are necessary with regard to the scan engines and/or communication modules in conjunction with our software.

We recommend hardware from Point Mobile
However, when we are asked to offer devices that are suitable for use in rugged environments, we only recommend devices from the manufacturer Point Mobile.
The reason for this lies in the many years of good experience with regard to the high quality of the devices, the well-rounded service concept of this manufacturer and the excellent support we receive from Point Mobile and the distributor Carema GmbH.
We attach great importance to working in partnership with our manufacturers and distributors for the benefit and satisfaction of our customers.
The ongoing development of these products to the latest technological standards offers a high degree of investment security coupled with a future-oriented device strategy that has a positive effect on the performance of the work processes carried out with this hardware.

Mobile computers, handheld terminals & scanners. Suitable for every application.
Current product overview
From ultra-rugged mobile computers for stocktaking to stylish, flat retail all-rounders: Point Mobile's experience in the mobile enterprise business enables the manufacturer to produce the right products for every industry.
Mobile computer
Handheld terminals

Extensive range of accessories
The products can be easily extended with many functions: Original accessories from Point Mobile give you even more benefits for your hardware. From various cradles for charging and storage to active and passive vehicle mounts.
More info
Would you like further advice on Point Mobile products? Do you have any questions about the accessories available? Feel free to contact us with any inquiries - we will take care of your request.