Fruit and vegetable delivery services
Transport management with logistocat

Efficient transport handling and sustainability
for fruit and vegetable delivery services

The transportation and delivery of fresh fruit and vegetables directly to your home or office places high demands on a well-planned and punctual transport process. The smooth and efficient handling of transport processes plays a decisive role in the fruit and vegetable delivery industry. Not only must time-critical deliveries be guaranteed, but sustainability and resource efficiency must also be kept in mind. The logistocat transport management system has proven to be a pioneering solution that masters the challenges of this industry thanks to its focus on efficiency and sustainability. With its integrated functions for route optimization, order management, container management for returnable transport containers and its smartphone app, logistocat offers a well-rounded software system that addresses the requirements and processes in this industry.

Vegetable and fruit delivery service
Fruit and vegetable delivery services with logistocat

Online route optimization fruit vegetables

Transportation management logistocat
Fruit Vegetable Delivery Services Transportation Management logistocat

The effective management of delivery orders is another key aspect of transportation processing. This involves the coordinated planning, tracking and recording of orders. logistocat enables centralized management of orders, monitoring of delivery details and improved communication between all parties involved. By automating order processes, errors are reduced and deliveries can be handled smoothly.

The efficient planning of delivery routes is crucial for companies in the fruit and vegetable delivery industry. This involves finding the optimal routes for delivery vehicles in order to shorten delivery times, reduce fuel consumption and ensure an even distribution of deliveries. logistocat uses AI algorithms to take complex factors such as traffic conditions, delivery priorities, goods volumes and geographical conditions into account. This results in a more efficient use of resources and minimizes the environmental impact.

Route planning logistocat
Route optimization for fruit and vegetable deliveries logistocat

Digital transport processing for fruit and vegetable delivery services

The aspect of sustainability is of paramount importance in today's business world. logistocat contributes to this by enabling companies to optimize their transport processes in such a way that emissions are reduced and resources are used efficiently. In the fruit and vegetable delivery industry, companies face the challenge of ensuring freshness, quality and sustainability. logistocat offers an integrated solution that not only optimizes transport handling, but also meets economic and ecological requirements. By combining route optimization, order management, container management and a focus on sustainability, logistocat is a valuable tool that helps to make fruit and vegetable deliveries more efficient and environmentally friendly.

Transport fruit vegetables logistocat

Reusable container management Fruit Vegetable baskets

Reusable fruit and vegetable basket
Sustainable management of fruit baskets Vegetable baskets with logistocat

Container management for reusable transport containers is an innovative feature of logistocat that makes an important contribution to sustainability. In the fruit and vegetable delivery industry, reusable containers are often used to transport products. The software enables precise tracking and management of these containers to minimize losses, ensure availability and reduce the environmental footprint.

Partnership and joint development
This is also logistocat

We not only offer you an innovative software solution including a smartphone app, but also attach great importance to a partnership-based cooperation. Our experience in transport logistics flows directly into the development and customization of logistocat.

Our dedicated team is on hand to ensure you realize the full potential of logistocat. From implementation to ongoing support, we are there for you.

logistocat smartphone app
Smartphone App Fruit Vegetables logistocat

Perfect interaction: logistocat and online store

The interaction between transport management and the customer's own online store via interfaces or API interfaces must function smoothly, and therefore requires a dynamic link between scheduling, route optimization and container management with a corresponding flow of information and data.

The logistocat transport management software is the ideal tool for this. With innovative software tools such as scheduling, order management, mobile processing of transport orders, route optimization and container management linked to order processing, logistocat transport management software meets all the requirements for digital processing of transport orders for fruit and vegetable delivery services.

The real-time transfer of this order-relevant information, which is important for subsequent invoicing, from the logistocat system to the customer's own ERP system is a matter of course.

The future for fruit and vegetable delivery services

Focus on the future
Into the future with logistocat

The permanent and future-oriented further development of logistocat transport management software, for example by integrating innovative future technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), offers a high degree of investment security for you as a user. Let's take the path to a sustainable future of transport management together. Efficient container management paired with intelligent route optimization will revolutionize your processes for transporting your products. Together we will create a more transparent, efficient and progressive future for your container management and logistics.

Cost optimization for fruit and vegetable delivery services

One benefit of logistocat is the possibility for customers and users to use a subscription model offered by MWA Solutions instead of high one-off investment costs. This means that instead of a high one-off investment, customers and potential customers can choose a price model in which a price per vehicle and/or employee per month is shown and calculated in a lower, transparent and therefore cost-benefit-oriented ratio.

Keeping an eye on costs
logistocat The costs at a glance


Yes, because with logistocat, orders can be processed digitally and paperless.

Yes, logistocat is also a container app that can be used to manage containers. Especially for fruit and vegetable delivery services, the management of reusable containers, i.e. fruit baskets, fruit crates, vegetable baskets and vegetable crates, is an essential component for the sustainable and environmentally friendly handling of these reusable transport containers.

Paperless transport processing without the use of delivery bills or other paper documents in conjunction with route optimization offers a number of advantages for sustainability and climate protection. The introduction of digital solutions, i.e. the use of paperless transport processing, requires the use of digital technologies and systems that enable improved data collection, processing and communication. This promotes the digitalization of the transport sector and helps to make processes more efficient and transparent. This leads to savings in resources. The elimination of paper documents also means a saving of resources such as wood, water and energy, which are required for paper production. This helps to conserve natural resources and reduces the ecological footprint of transportation. By dispensing with physical documents, the need for paper is significantly reduced. This leads to a reduction in paper consumption and therefore also in the amount of waste generated by the production, processing and disposal of paper. Route optimization in conjunction with paperless transport processing enables more efficient route planning and vehicle utilization. This leads to shorter routes, fewer empty runs and therefore a reduction in fuel consumption and emissions caused by transportation.

Overall, the use of logistocat, i.e. paperless transport processing in conjunction with route optimization, helps to reduce the environmental impact of the transport sector by reducing paper consumption, saving resources, improving efficiency and promoting the transition to digital solutions. This supports sustainability and climate protection efforts in the transportation sector.

Yes, logistocat obtains this information from the order data to be planned, in which the corresponding sizes or container units of the transport containers (fruit baskets, vegetable baskets or other transport containers) are stored. When planning the routes and the vehicle profiles created in logistocat, in which the maximum load sizes are stored, logistocat already displays the number of container units of the fruit and vegetable baskets to be transported during route planning. 

This is not a problem. In order to import this data from existing container systems or other order files (Excel, CSV) into the logistocat system, logistocat has a standard Excel import function with which this data can be imported. However, the format should be agreed with the user. 

Nevertheless, although this is relatively uncommon, orders and container data can be entered directly in logistocat. 


In order to make logistocat available to smaller companies (SMEs) in particular, we at MWA Solutions have designed the logistocat transport management software and container management software in such a way that it can be used as a subscription model or rental model with monthly payments for use. Compared to purchase models / license purchase models, this ensures manageable, transparent monthly costs that can always be compared with the added value achieved. 

With logsitocat, we want to provide well-rounded software for all processes in the fruit and vegetable industry. For organic farms, this includes ensuring the availability of the harvesting and sorting equipment in use. In order to obtain a transparent flow of information about the technical status of the relevant systems, it makes sense to process the maintenance work to be carried out daily, weekly and monthly to ensure the availability of these systems in digital form. This provides real-time information about the technical condition of the systems and the maintenance work that has been carried out or is overdue.

Interested? Try logistocat - free of charge.