Parcel delivery services
Transport management with logistocat

Parcel delivery services
Sustainability through
optimized transport management

Parcel delivery services in particular have to meet the requirements for punctual and accurate delivery of parcels on a daily basis, which requires intelligent planning of transport orders that is adapted to current traffic conditions. Furthermore, dispatchers have to master a variety of tasks and challenges that require fast and intuitive software. The web-based logistocat software offers a well-rounded system that is tailored to the needs of the user.

Parcel deliverer with scanner
Parcel delivery services with logistocat

Online route optimization

Route planning logistocat
Route optimization logistocat
Transportation management logistocat
Transportation management logistocat

The efficient planning of delivery routes is crucial for transport service providers in parcel delivery. The aim is to find the optimal routes for delivery vehicles in order to shorten delivery times, reduce fuel consumption and ensure an even distribution of deliveries. logistocat uses AI algorithms to take complex factors such as traffic conditions, delivery priorities, goods volumes and geographical conditions into account. This results in a more efficient use of resources and minimizes the environmental impact.

The effective management of delivery orders is another key aspect of transportation processing. This involves the coordinated planning, tracking and recording of orders. logistocat enables centralized management of orders, monitoring of delivery details and improved communication between all parties involved. By automating order processes, errors are reduced and deliveries can be handled smoothly.

Digital transport processing for parcel delivery services

The aspect of sustainability is of utmost importance in today's business world. logistocat contributes to this by enabling companies to optimize their transport processes in such a way that emissions are reduced and resources are used efficiently. Parcel delivery services are faced with the challenge of delivering parcels on time, with optimum quality and in an ecologically sustainable manner. logistocat offers an integrated solution that not only optimizes transport processing, but also meets economic and ecological requirements. By combining route optimization, order management, container management and a focus on sustainability, logistocat is a valuable tool that helps to make parcel delivery more efficient and environmentally friendly.

logistocat cloud access in real time
Transportation management logistocat

Partnership and joint development
This is also logistocat

We not only offer you an innovative software solution including a smartphone app, but also attach great importance to a partnership-based cooperation. Our experience in transport logistics flows directly into the development and customization of logistocat.

Our dedicated team is on hand to ensure you realize the full potential of logistocat. From implementation to ongoing support, we are there for you.

logistocat smartphone app
Smartphone app logistocat

The future for parcel delivery services

Focus on the future
Into the future with logistocat

The permanent and future-oriented further development of logistocat transport management software, for example by integrating innovative future technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), offers a high degree of investment security for you as a user. Let's take the path to a sustainable future of transport management together. Efficient container management paired with intelligent route optimization will revolutionize your processes for transporting your products. Together we will create a more transparent, efficient and progressive future for your container management and logistics.

Cost optimization for parcel delivery services

One benefit of logistocat is the possibility for customers and users to use a subscription model offered by MWA Solutions instead of high one-off investment costs. This means that instead of a high one-off investment, customers and potential customers can choose a price model in which a price per vehicle and/or employee per month is shown and calculated in a lower, transparent and therefore cost-benefit-oriented ratio.

Keeping an eye on costs
logistocat The costs at a glance


Yes, because with logistocat, orders can be processed digitally and paperless.

Yes, logistocat is the ideal tool for scheduling and managing transport orders. Logistics is undergoing a digital transformation. Increasing demands on transport service providers require a constant increase in efficiency in the provision of transport services. The logistocat transport management system reduces the high workload of dispatchers and supports them in the efficient planning and execution of transport orders. 

Route optimization in conjunction with paperless transport processing enables more efficient route planning and vehicle utilization. This leads to shorter routes, fewer empty runs and therefore a reduction in fuel consumption and emissions caused by transportation.

Yes, logistocat is a returnable container management system that can be used for various transport containers. In addition to the order- and customer-related container movements, logistocat provides real-time information about the current locations of the returnable containers and their condition. logistocat is therefore a clear and efficient container management system for returnable transport containers. The logistocat actions log (i.e. the container history) provides me with information about every action carried out with the corresponding container(s) at any time.

Yes, logistocat obtains this information from the order data to be planned, in which the corresponding sizes or container units of the transport containers are stored. When planning the routes and the vehicle profiles created in logistocat, in which the maximum load sizes are stored, logistocat already displays the number of container units of the containers to be transported during route planning. 

This is not a problem. In order to import this data from existing container systems or other order files (Excel, CSV) into the logistocat system, logistocat has a standard Excel import function with which this data can be imported. However, the format should be agreed with the user. 

Nevertheless, although this is relatively uncommon, orders and container data can be entered directly in logistocat. 


In order to make logistocat available to smaller companies (SMEs) in particular, we at MWA Solutions have designed the logistocat transport management software and container management software in such a way that it can be used as a subscription model or rental model with monthly payments for use. Compared to purchase models / license purchase models, this ensures manageable, transparent monthly costs that can always be compared with the added value achieved. 

With logsitocat, we want to provide well-rounded software for all processes in the parcel delivery industry. In any case, this includes ensuring the availability of the vehicles in use. In order to achieve a transparent flow of information here, which provides information on the current status of the vehicles intended for use, it makes sense to process the daily, weekly and monthly checks and maintenance work required for the availability of these vehicles in digital form. This data then provides overall information about the relationships between the vehicles to be planned and those that are currently available and operational and their current status in real time.

Interested? Try logistocat - free of charge.